5th Metacarpal Neck Fracture
Week 2 – so far so good, sticking to the deal!
This week we have a patient information video on the 5th metacarpal fracture. A very common orthopaedic injury which rarely requires any orthopaedic injury.
This injury should be diagnosed and managed in the emergency or minor injuries department and discharged with advice.
The evidence behind this treatment
As taken from the home of the Virtual Fracture Clinic
“A prospective comparison cohort study compared the outcomes of two different groups – one with regular review and other with discharge with advice and simple neighbour strapping (Bansal and Craigen 2006)*. The group with early discharge had greater satisfaction if discharged early, and returned to work at an earlier stage. There were similar function outcomes as measured by the DASH score at 12 weeks. Another prospective RCT demonstrated no difference in pain, range of movement, return to work or satisfaction between those treated with immediate mobilisation compared with those immobilised in plaster (Statius Muller et al. 2003).”
Is your hospital on our list?
If your unit is running a Virtual Fracture Clinic and are not featured on our list of hospitals then please get in touch so that we can help you patients find your contact information quickly.